Day 19 - Saturday, February 15 - We explore the Sainte Anne district of Montpellier and enjoy a restful afternoon of blogging and laundry. Sunny with a chill wind 54°F (12°C)
After traveling yesterday, we took it easy today, with a long walk in the morning, and a cozy domestic afternoon and evening.
The day started out chilly and a little cloudy.
There were a few people out on the streets:
We passed this super cute little market:
and admired the wrought-iron balconies:
We spotted this super sexy scooter:
And noted a bike poking out of the wall:
We saw some streamers hung overhead on many streets
And mostly just explored
As the sun began to come out
This super cute narrow street with a "bump out"
We passed this interesting doorway to a school:
And we discovered a very old and grand entryway to the Societe Astronomique de Montpellier
Nearby was another Poutine House, seems popular in France! Well, there was one in Toulouse and now one here so obviously it's all the rage.
I'm somewhat fascinated by the trend of painting architectural features on buildings that seems popular here, like this one you can hardly tell if you aren't looking:
We ended up in this lovely square by the Saint Anne church, which is closed for renovations. Actually, it isn't a church any more; they've converted it to an art gallery. It's a shame it's closed because it would have been nice to have seen inside.
The outside was pretty great, however, and the adjoining square was gorgeous
A lovely mood
We decided to head back to home base.
With a brief stop at Maison Bonnaire - the super cute boulangerie / patisserie across the street from our apartment
Here's that big green door again
Pasta and salad for dinner ce soir! C'était une super journée.